Monday, October 1, 2012

Bolin's in da House!

I must make quick and short update about good news- 
Miki and I got a new baby! 
We met Bolin first time few weeks ago in Viikki's Found 
Pet Shelter. We went to see a wild cat's kitties, though the
ones that were left were way too shy for us. Since kitties
didn't steal our hearts, we went to see adult cats and there 
was Bolin, purring, meowing and hugging our hands from his
cage. He had just been found from forest of Vantaa, and 
even though he's clearly Maine Coon (and only ~6 months old),
,no-one ever came to pick him up. Cruel to say, but we're 
happy no-one did!

So here are some very first pictures of our son~

Beltsu was being really pushy at first with Bolin. 

I mean really, really pushy!

Well, Bolin was still really brave from the first minutes. 

Being still a kitty, he has so much energy! 

Even though he's way younger than Belle, he's
still already chasing her, I sure hope it's only playing...


That's all for today!~


  1. Aaaaws! ♥
    Voi vitsi mikä ihanuus karvapallero, josta kasvaa vielä iiiso maine coon. =^__^=

    Paljon onnitteluja perheen lisäyksestä!

    Ottikovat muuten löytöeläinmestassa paljon hintaa kisulista?

    Frillycakes ♥

  2. Kiitos kiitos! <3 En malta odottaa että se saa painoa ainakin kymmenen kiloa lisää ;D !!

    Oltiin valmiina maksamaan ekstraa kun poika on selvä rotukissa, mutta koska Bolinilla ei ole mitään papereita se on käytännössä maalaiskissa, eli hinta jäi alle satasen :>

  3. Bolzu on aika sydäntenmurskaaja <3

  4. Cute!!! :) I really miss my cat now T.T I moved and I couldn't take her with me.
    the last picture is so sweet haha my cat does that too :3

  5. You poor thing! One of my friends just moved to other country and she told me that only thing she was sad to leave behind was her cat, not any other family-member :'D Well, maybe some day you can take your cat to live under the same roof with you :) But thank you, Bolin is the sweetest <3
