Time for the last Stockholm-day! 11.00 am we had to say goodbye to our Hostel.
We still had whole day to spend since our flight was leaving 9.30 pm!
German Church
We had bought a ticket for King's Castle on friday, and it was still applicable on sunday.
Only group-photo that included us all!
Miniature of the castle.
Cafe Muren
Ruuska is in love with Geocaching, and she also found few from Stockholm!
Buying few souvenirs from Design shop
Miki checking the selection of Science Fiction BOKHANDELN one last time!
Most of the time we spent in T.G.I Fridays,
awesome american restaurant we tested with Miki in Riga!
Dessert was little bit too much for Ruuska :D
One last photo from Airport (Jaana took the picture ;_; )
Thank you babes for the great travel-company! You're the best!~